Interviews with the Pros

(and other high-level dancers)

Suma Datta

Suma said if she could do or be anything she’d want to be Mr. Spock from Star Trek....

Suma Datta

Augie Leija

Augie said; "If I wasn't dancing, I'd most likely be in jail... Dancing saved me completely."

Augie Leija

Sheven Kekoolani

“Oh, somebody got drunk,” he quipped. I laughed, but then Sheven turned philosophical...

Sheven Kekoolani

Stanislav Ivanov

“Rome wasn't built in a day, right?" he said. "Enjoy the journey, enjoy the process...

Stanislav Ivanov

Emily Huang

Emily Huang @ Chicago Classic 2022
Who would you like to know more about? Please email me suggestions.